Tuesday, 16 March 2010

fanfic draft

Kasama Shota works as a camera assistant in a photo studio and there is a woman in his life that he will never forget-Yuko.

Six years ago, she suddenly decided to study abroad and left Shota without any notice. During the first three years Shota have been writing letters to Yuko but no reply at all. I've been dumped completely, She's done with me- thought Shota. And since then he stopped writing letters to her. Even then,all he could think about everyday is Yuko.

One day, Shota find out that Yuko passed away as she was involved in a major car accident. He could not accept the sudden news of death and he crashed down by the trees filled with memories of him and Yuko.

Life is just full of suprises and twist...

there Shota saw a girl sitting on a tree.

"are you ok? Do you need help?"

"I miss my mum" cried the girl.

"Lets go find your mother then" replied Shota.

And there was a silence.

As the girl climbed down the tree, she holded a cup telephone and told Shota that whenever she wanted to talk to her mum she would use this cup so her mum could hear her from the other side of the world.

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