Tuesday, 16 March 2010

fanfic draft

Kasama Shota works as a camera assistant in a photo studio and there is a woman in his life that he will never forget-Yuko.

Six years ago, she suddenly decided to study abroad and left Shota without any notice. During the first three years Shota have been writing letters to Yuko but no reply at all. I've been dumped completely, She's done with me- thought Shota. And since then he stopped writing letters to her. Even then,all he could think about everyday is Yuko.

One day, Shota find out that Yuko passed away as she was involved in a major car accident. He could not accept the sudden news of death and he crashed down by the trees filled with memories of him and Yuko.

Life is just full of suprises and twist...

there Shota saw a girl sitting on a tree.

"are you ok? Do you need help?"

"I miss my mum" cried the girl.

"Lets go find your mother then" replied Shota.

And there was a silence.

As the girl climbed down the tree, she holded a cup telephone and told Shota that whenever she wanted to talk to her mum she would use this cup so her mum could hear her from the other side of the world.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

fanfic sites continued...

3. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5180387/1/Hana_Yori_Diamond_or_Girls_Over_Diamonds

It was interesting to see how the writer chaneged the main character to all girls instead of staying the same way as the comic was written which was a group of four boys. The personality of the four girls stayed the same way as how the four boys would act except the writer made the girls so arrogant about themselves. I think the 4 girls characteristics could be changed a little so to make it different from the original story.

4. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5816440/1/What_If

A very sentimental start! Hatter's feeling was clearly conveyed to the readers through writer's words whether Alice and Hatter were lovers or friends. If there is going to be a secode series of the movie made,I would strongly recommend this story as I think its a great linking between the end and the new beginning.

5. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5140067/1/Ripped_Apart

It was a sad but well written story. Unlike the actual movie, this fanfic focused on the boy more. The story was written through Toshio's eyes, from how he felt about his father, his close relation to his mother,until when they are all dead.
Some of the part would be good if used in the actual movie.


The whole story was pretty sweet and fun reading. Compare to the movie,more dimension was added to the characters by the writer which lead to strong development of main characters like Fiona. Although did not get the character Orge Child. Anwyay nice suprises from the Snow White, Fiona definately did not expect such a wonderful birthday party!


It was definatley nice to see Jack is still alive and what will happen after the disaster. It would be better if the writer describe how jack recovered his body in more details rather than just having him being able to talk and fight with Cal all of the sudden. I liked the little scene in which they meet with Molly. The "money" incident ended the story smoothly.

8. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5632009/1/A_King

Even though this is just a short paragraph of thoughts of Philippe while he was in prison by the writer but clearly described his thoughts of others blacken his name and his hope of getting out of the darkness everyday. This again emphasis the fact that he was brought in this world with unlucky fate and unfairness. A great man in the iron mask's one-shot.


This is a nice brief insight of moments between Sasha and Tamara before the end of the world. The dialogue between the two was well written. Sasha's unhappiness is clearly seen just like in the movie. Tamara's feelings also got introduced which was nice. Since the story is about the end of the world, it would also be good to touch on how they see a glimpse of hope in more details.

10. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4979234/2/One_day

The diary was broken down into two parts with Aya and Asou's thoughts that was never conveyed to each other. Both "one day" and "one night"reminded me of how sad the drama is. This fanfic is ideal for a narration story. Words and phrases which are
been used are also prefect to fit the scene. Lovely story.

fanfic sites

1. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5068945/2/Freddy_VS_Jason_VS_Detective_Conan

I have been watching this cartoon ever since I was ten so it was wonderful to see many people did fanfiction based on the cartoon. It was easy to follow what the writer is trying to convey to the reader as the prologue of the story is excatly the same as the start of the cartoon. The story is wrriten with a conversation based style which I thought was a good idea to catch reader's attention and keep them getting interested throughout the plot.


X-men was also one of the comics that I enjoyed reading throughout my secondary years.
I like the way the storyline flows like different movie scenes all pieced up together.Although it was be better if the author introduces just the main characters rather than having all the new names popping up at once. A lot of description words are also used which made it easier to picture what is happening through reader's head.